La Vada + Shauna | Olowalu Maluhia Wedding | Maui, HI

La Vada & Shauna were married on 10/21/2019 at Olowalu Maluhia, Lahaina, HI. It was a pleasure to work with all the...


La Vada & Shauna were married on 10/21/2019 at Olowalu Maluhia, Lahaina, HI.

It was a pleasure to work with all the staff at Olowalu Maluhia, this wedding venue is one of the best on the island of Maui, HI. Special thanks to Kaua Woessner @kaua_wedding_photography for his professionalism and for letting me use his image as a video placeholder. As well as all the other vendors that made this wedding day so special. Including the following;

Hair/Makeup – @channingsartistry

Planner – Sherron Lawrence @tropicalmauiweddings

#gottobefresh #olowalumaluhiawedding #MauiWedding
